Designing Wellness Seminars

Wellness education and actions for better health do more than just prevent injury; they improve performance and quality of life. The health care professionals at Designing Wellness will provide tools to help individuals feel their best and attain a balanced body. Seminars focus on lifestyle choices, not quick fixes. Knowledge gained within just an hour or two can provide benefits for years to come. Whether you have a sedentary lifestyle or are a fitness enthusiast, a better understanding of your body will make measurable differences in the way you feel and live.

Put the health of you and those around you first and contact us today!

Your Body & Injury Prevention Demystified
  • The relationship between your posture, your habits of movement, the aging process and your potential for discomfort.
  • Anatomical principals that explain how your breathing, connective tissue, joints and skeletal orientation all work together to make your body function in a healthy way.
  • How you can rectify unhealthy habitual movement patterns that can predispose you to pain and injuries.
  • Simple stretching, strengthening and other exercises to balance your body and help you feel well.
Injuries & Early Treatment Demystified

  • The underlying cause of many common injuries, such as nerve compressions (carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica), tendonitis, shoulder dysfunction, and low back pain.
  • To recognize symptoms early and know when to seek appropriate medical treatment.
  • First line treatment options to put into action immediately in order to recover as quickly as possible.

Office Ergonomics Demystified
  • The basic concepts of ergonomics, which is the relationship between the human body and the work it does.
  • The factors that play a role in creating repetitive strain injuries and how you can adjust your daily activities to be at less risk.
  • Simple changes you can make at home and at your job so that you can improve the "ergonomic fit" between your body and work in order to decrease strain. No fancy equipment required!

Also Available Upon Request:

The goal of Designing Wellness is to build a comprehensive repertoire of wellness seminars and workshops with an extensive network of highly qualified medical professionals. Please contact Designing Wellness if you are interested in any of the following seminars or workshops, or if you have any special requests of your own.
  • Nutrition
  • Stress Management
  • Time Management
  • Sleep
  • Low Back Pain
  • Weight Loss
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Heart Disease
  • Diabetes
DW Seminars Are For Everyone:
  • Corporate Wellness Education
  • Small Businesses
  • Wellness Retreats
  • Health Professionals
  • Athletes and Fitness Enthusiasts
  • Health Insurance & Claims Adjusters
  • Elderly Populations~Fall Prevention
  • Youth Populations~Early Intervention
  • Special Interest Groups
As the founder of Designing Wellness, with extensive experience working with diverse populations as a practicing therapist and educator, Raina ensures that programs are targeted specifically to the needs of the audience. Programs will be adjusted to the specific knowledge base and areas of interest to ensure every client is satisfied.

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(C) 2013 Designing Wellness 4 U